Sophos Phish Threat, 1 year (50-99 users) - PHISHU12ADNCAA
Phishing attack simulation and training for your end users.
Most cyber attacks begin with a Phishing attack. Phishing Attacks Reduce have great increased over the last 2 years targeting unaware and untrained employees that will click or download malicous content. Once clicked, the cyber attack has commenced.
Sophos Phish Threat educates and tests your employees through automated attack simulations, quality security awareness training and actionable reporting metrics.
Phish Threat provides your business the flexibility and customization that it needs to have positive security awareness program.
Benefits of Sophos Phish Threat:
New and update Phishing simulations with current threat content.
Effective Security Awareness Training from with-in Sophos Central management console.
Comprehensive reporting on phishing simulation campaigns and user training
Report Phishing from Outlook and O365
Enable Intelligent Cybersecurity Awareness Training by finding employees that performing risky behaviour. Once identified, can train them so they change their behaviour and reduce Phishing the risk for the business.
Start testing and training your employees today.
30-day free trail available. Contact us for trial setup.